We had Maria’s stem cells stored with CriosStemCells right after her birth. While Maria grows older every year, we feel secured her stem cells remain young and perhaps may help her in the future.
As a parent you naturally want to protect your child, and taking the stem cells at birth is the easiest way to do so.
I would definitely recommend CrioStemCells to others, they gave me great customer service and kept me informed all the way. Everything was arranged so quickly and my husband and I were updated and felt safe at all times.
I think this is the best possible gift you can give to a child. Although I did not create it as an opportunity for my first son, I know there is a possibility that my daughter’s stem cells will also help her brother.
After making my own research, I decided that this was the right option for us, mainly because I wanted to be sure I could give my children an opportunity to fight if there is a need in the future.
The cord blood is a rare convenience. Taken from the baby’s umbilical cord directly after the birth, it is a rich source of stem cells that can be used to treat dozens of disorders, including some forms of leukemia, lymphoma and anemia.