E HËNË- E SHTUNË 8:00 - 17:00E DIEL PUSHIM+355 4 451 9080info@criostemcells.comBulevardi Zogu i ParëQëndra e biznesit TIRANA
TheExEm®Foam Kit
The ExEm® Foam Kit (also known as HyFoSy) is a simple solution that uses an ecographic procedure and identifies whether the Fallopian tube are blocked or not. Exem Foam (HyFoSy) allows a high quality visualization of Fallopian tubes. The procedure can be done with a simple ecografic device.
What is blocking of Fallopian Tubes?
The mature egg, to move from the ovaries to the miter, must pass from the Fallopian tubes. If there are obstacles in the pipes that do not allow the egg to pass through them, Fallopian tubes are called blocked and, consequently, a woman can not get pregnant.
For a woman to become pregnant, the Fallopian tubes should be open.
How does it work?
The kit contains an ExEm gel and ExEm water. The identifying image of the blockage or not of pipes is provided by mixing the ExEm gel with ExEm water (part of the kit) to create a thick foam. A catheter is further used to infuse this foam into the Fallopian tubes to control if they are clear or not.
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+355 4 451 9080 EMAIL
info@criostemcells.com ADRESA
Bulevardi Zogu i Parë, Qendra e Biznesit TIRANA
Nd.58, H.3, 31
Tirana 1000
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