Our values

CrioStemCells is the partner and representative in Albania and Kosovo of Future Health Biobank, the largest stem cells and umbilical cord storage center in the United Kingdom.

Biobank Future Health owns and operates two top-level laboratories: one in the UK and one in Switzerland. Future Health is licensed to transport biological samples worldwide and to store cells and tissues for use by the child, the child’s family, or another not blood related person with them.

Throughout our 15-year history, we have become the largest and most advanced stem cell bank in the United Kingdom. We are passionate about protecting your family’s health, yet we stand in the avant-garde of the innovations of the present and the future. That has caused us to deposit in storage, more stem cell champions than all UK banks got together.

By protecting your baby’s stem cells, you are investing not only in their future health, but also in the health of your other family members.
CrioStemCells is the first company that operated in Albania with the transport and maintenance of the umbilical cord stem cells and to preserve stem cells of the dental pulp.


CrioStemcells as a representative and partner of Future Health BioBank enables you these services:

– Conservation of the umbilical cord blood
– Conservation of the umbilical cord stem cells
– Dental Pulp banking
– NIPT – prenatal test for Down syndrome
– Foam for ultrasound


Each of the approximately 100 billion cells in the body of an adult comes from a single stem cell – a fertilized egg cell. This cell develops and becomes a human being within just nine months.
Stem cells are the bones that build the life and the umbilical cord of your baby is a rich resource of these precious cells.
With their ability to regenerate and protect the body from within, stem cells are capable of developing and transforming into more than 200 different types of blood and tissue cells.
Reproduction and differentiation makes them develop different types of cells. The “natural duties“of stem cells are construction, regeneration and repair. That is why
as a source of stem cells for your baby, the blood of their umbilical cord can prove one day as life-saving. Like any parent, you would like to do all you can to protect your child’s health in the future. Now you have the opportunity to make it a reality even in Albania, by storing your baby’s stem cells in CrioStemcells.


Preservation of stem cells from the blood and the umbilical cord of a newborn baby is increasing every day even in our country.
We at Criostemcells, offer stem cell storage for the following reasons:
Stem cells stored at birth (ie preservation of the blood and umbilical cord stem cells) are considered to be better than stem cells collected from the body later in life (for example, spinal cord stem cells).
Sisters / brothers can benefit from the same champion: they have a ¼ (ie 25%) chance of compliance for stem cell transplants.
The umbilical cord blood is a source of stem cells that has already been used to treat basically all diseases that can be treated by spinal cord transplantation.

Why Do You Really Want It?

The stem cells and umbilical cord have very unique qualities and are only found in the blood and the umbilical cord of the baby.
Stem cells protected by the mother’s womb from many viruses and infections in the open world are less likely to be contaminated or affected by diseases.
Specifically, stem cells have the ability to transform into many types of cells, including lipids, cartilage, muscle, bone and nerve tissue.

A healthy future is in your hand


Our Accreditations


+355 4 451 9080
Bulevardi Zogu i Parë, Qendra e Biznesit TIRANA
Nd.58, H.3, 31
Tirana 1000

Postimet e Fundit

    Rreth nesh

    CrioStemcells është partner dhe përfaqësues në Shqipëri dhe Kosovë i Future Health Biobank, banka më e madhe e ruajtjes së gjakut dhe qelizave staminale të kordonit kërthizor të fëmijës tuaj në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar… [Read More]

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