On receipt of your paperwork and deposit payment, we will arrange delivery of your collection kit
When it arrives, simply keep it near your maternity bag and take it with you on the big day. Where the phlebotomy service is selected, we will also arrange this for you. You will receive an email with the contact details of your assigned phlebotomists and an introductory phone call too.
When the big day arrives you will need to call your phlebotomist (you can call them any time of day or night) as soon as your labour starts and then keep them updated. When you go to hospital remember to take your collection kit.
Once your baby has been safely delivered, your assigned healthcare professional or phlebotomist will collect your baby’s cord blood, cord tissue and the maternal bloods before placing them in the collection kit.
We will process and safely store your samples, notify you of the results by phone, confirm your results in writing within 3 weeks and issue your storage certificate.