Frequently Asked Questions

Our advice panel is a hub for all information relating to our company
If you have any questions surrounding our services, our advice panel offers a plethora of information and aims to answer any frequently asked questions

  • How do I organise stem cell storage with Future Health Biobank?
  • Si kryhet mbledhja e qelizave staminale të gjakut të kordonit kërthizor?
  • Çfarë ndodh ditën e lindjes?
  • Who will collect the samples?
  • How are my samples transported to your Laboratory?
  • When will my samples be processed?
  • Why is my sample processed before storage?
  • Could there be other cells in my sample?
  • Where and how will my child’s stem cells be stored?
  • What information will I receive about my baby’s samples?
  • How do I access my sample if it is needed?
  • Do I have to pay to release or transport the sample if it is required for a transplant?
  • Will collecting my baby’s stem cells interfere with the third stage of labour?
  • What happens if I move to a different country?
How do I organise stem cell storage with Future Health Biobank?

Storing your child’s stem cells with Future Health is a simple process and our customer care team will take care of everything for you.

Simply contact us on +355 4451 9080 or email info_ALB@fhbb.com and we will send you an information pack and an agreement to complete.

We will then send you a collection kit, allocate your health care professional for the collection (if required) and write to your hospital to inform them of your request to ensure everything runs smoothly on the day.

Si kryhet mbledhja e qelizave staminale të gjakut të kordonit kërthizor?

Mbledhja e qelizave staminale, të gjakut të kordonit kërthizor, është një procedurë e thjeshtë, jo-invazive

Sapo ju, të keni porositur mbledhjen e qelizave staminale, me ekipin tonë të kujdesit ndaj klientit, ne, do t’ju dërgojmë kitin e mbledhjes, në shtëpinë tuaj. Ky kit duhet të ruhet në vend të sigurtë, dhe larg prej radiatorëve, e, në mënyrë ideale, ta mbani pranë çantës suaj, të bërë gati për maternitet.

Sapo t’ju kenë filluar dhimbjet e lindjes, thjesht, merreni me vete kitin për në maternitet, dhe, vini në dijeni personelin mjekësor atje, se do të ruani qelizat staminale. Menjëherë sapo bebja juaj të ketë lindur dhe të jetë ndarë për kujdes të mëtejshëm, personeli mjekësor në sallë do të mbledhë gjakun e kordonit kërthizor. Kjo është një procedurë e shpejtë, jo-invazive dhe nuk do t’ju ndërpresë nga koha juaj e çmuar me beben tuaj. Më tej, personeli mjekësor në sallë, do të sigurojë qelizat staminale brenda kitit të mbledhjes, dhënë më parë.

Më tej, gjithçka kërkohet, është që ju vetë ose partneri juaj, të na telefonojë për të bashkërenduar tërheqjen e kitit të mbledhjes. Pastaj, kiti do të dërgohet drejtpërdrejt për në laboratorin tonë në Nottingham dhe kampionët do të përpunohen e përgatiten për depozitim në ruajtje. Ekipi ynë i kujdesit ndaj klientit, do të ndjekë procedurën duke ju kontaktuar për rezultatet dhe gjendjen e kampionit tuaj.

Çfarë ndodh ditën e lindjes?

On receipt of your paperwork and deposit payment, we will arrange delivery of your collection kit

When it arrives, simply keep it near your maternity bag and take it with you on the big day. Where the phlebotomy service is selected, we will also arrange this for you. You will receive an email with the contact details of your assigned phlebotomists and an introductory phone call too.

When the big day arrives you will need to call your phlebotomist (you can call them any time of day or night) as soon as your labour starts and then keep them updated. When you go to hospital remember to take your collection kit.

Once your baby has been safely delivered, your assigned healthcare professional or phlebotomist will collect your baby’s cord blood, cord tissue and the maternal bloods before placing them in the collection kit.

We will process and safely store your samples, notify you of the results by phone, confirm your results in writing within 3 weeks and issue your storage certificate.

Who will collect the samples?

Most often, a phlebotomist will be required to collect your cord blood and tissue samples at the hospital and we will arrange this for you

However, in some cases, your private consultant or midwife may be able to collect the samples for you.

How are my samples transported to your Laboratory?

Yours samples will be transported using our own dedicated medical courier who will collect your baby’s cord blood and tissue from the hospital or your home and deliver it straight to our laboratory 365 days a year.

All collection kits are designed to maintain room temperature (do not put them in a fridge or freezer) to keep the sample in optimum condition until it reaches our laboratory. All collection kits include a gel pack which ensures the sample maintains the required temperature during shipping.

When will my samples be processed?

We will process your samples generally within 24 hours of the collection

Our laboratory is open for processing 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year, ensuring all samples are processed well within our regulatory guidelines, giving clients the best possible results.

Why is my sample processed before storage?

All cord blood samples must be processed before storage, to ensure they are stabilised prior to cryopreservation in vapour phase Liquid Nitrogen

During processing, each sample is condensed and split into multiple portions, meaning should you require your child stem cells in the future, only one segment needs to be used, leaving the rest intact for use in future treatments.

Each sample is processed individually by our highly experienced and qualified laboratory technician. We don’t use a fully automated system where multiple samples are processed simultaneously, as processing multiple samples at once could put your sample at risk of contamination.

Could there be other cells in my sample?

Both our Premium (Volume Reduced) and Standard (Whole Blood) cord blood packages make provision for future scientific development by storing more than just HSC’s

If you opt for our Premium service, we will store what we call the buffy coat layer (this layer contains all stem cells found in the cord blood). This is likely to contain other types of stem cells like mesenchymal stem cells and VSEL’s which could be of benefit in the future as clinical applications progress with scientific research.

Where and how will my child’s stem cells be stored?

Your child’s cord blood and cord tissue samples will be processed and stored at our specialized facility in Nottingham

We will NEVER send your samples to be stored by a third party, as we believe this can put your samples at unnecessary risk.

Each sample will be split into multiple portions within our specially designed double-wrapped casing before freezing, enabling your child’s sample to be used several times to treat life-threatening conditions, if required.

All of our storage tanks are individually alarmed and monitored 24/7, 365 days a year.

What information will I receive about my baby’s samples?

Once your cord blood and cord tissue samples have been successfully processed and stored you will receive confirmation in writing along with your storage certificate containing the unique identification number for your samples, the stem cell (CD34+ and CD45+) counts, your maternal blood testing results and microbiology results.

How do I access my sample if it is needed?

We hope you never need to use your sample, but if you do, we will organise everything for you

After arranging the consent papers with you, we will work with your doctor to arrange the safe delivery of your sample to the transplant facility on the given date and time.

Do I have to pay to release or transport the sample if it is required for a transplant?


We will not charge you for the release and transportation of your sample (anywhere in the world) if your family needs it for use in a treatment.

Will collecting my baby’s stem cells interfere with the third stage of labour?

The care provided to you and your baby at such a critical time is of the utmost importance so we would not do anything to jeopardize this

It is therefore standard practice to only collect the stem cells once the third stage of labour has been successfully completed and both you and baby are safe and comfortable.

What happens if I move to a different country?

Wherever you live in the world, you can rest assured that your stem cells will remain safely stored with us here in the UK at Future Health Biobank

If you do move, please remember to let us know your new address and contact information so we can keep our records up to date.


+355 4 451 9080
Bulevardi Zogu i Parë, Qendra e Biznesit TIRANA
Nd.58, H.3, 31
Tirana 1000

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    Rreth nesh

    CrioStemcells është partner dhe përfaqësues në Shqipëri dhe Kosovë i Future Health Biobank, banka më e madhe e ruajtjes së gjakut dhe qelizave staminale të kordonit kërthizor të fëmijës tuaj në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar… [Read More]

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