E HËNË- E SHTUNË 8:00 - 17:00E DIEL PUSHIM+355 4 451 9080info@criostemcells.comBulevardi Zogu i ParëQëndra e biznesit TIRANA
A chance that comes once in your life to protect your child’s future health
Cord blood & tissue stem cell banking
Umbilical cord blood contains unique stem cells called haematopoietic stem cells; HSCs. These specialised cells can reproduce into the types of cells found in the blood. This means they can treat life-threatening blood diseases like leukaemia’s, anaemia’s and thalassemia’s …
These precious cells have regenerative potential and can convert themselves into an array of different types of cells. These cells are considered to be naïve and it is this very characteristic which could allow them to adapt and repair cells such as joints, muscles, bone, nerves and even a damaged heart …
Every parent-to-be should be given the opportunity to prepare for their child’s future health. That’s why we offer our Vision non-invasive prenatal test to check for common genetic abnormalities while you are pregnant. Vision is a highly sensitive prenatal test that can be carried out as early as 10 weeks into pregnancy, using a single blood sample …
The ExEm® Foam Kit enables easy recognition of tubal patency by using a new technique: Hysterosalpingo Foam Sonography (HyFoSy). The ExEm® Foam Kit has been developed for creating a foam. ExEm foam kits (also known as HyFosy) provide an inexpensive simple one kit solution for outpatient ultrasound testing of tubal patency in patients with fertility problems …
+355 4 451 9080 EMAIL
info@criostemcells.com ADRESA
Bulevardi Zogu i Parë, Qendra e Biznesit TIRANA
Nd.58, H.3, 31
Tirana 1000
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Rreth nesh
CrioStemcells është partner dhe përfaqësues në Shqipëri dhe Kosovë i Future Health Biobank, banka më e madhe e ruajtjes së gjakut dhe qelizave staminale të kordonit kërthizor të fëmijës tuaj në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar… [Read More]